
Welcome to my website. In this site you will find everything you need to know to get a good sense of who I am. You will find my aspirations and hobbies, my work history and previouse projects as well as my personality and history.

Who Am I

Hello my name is Bodhi, I am a first year university student studying at SCU for a Bachelor of Information Technology. I am a person who enjoys drawing, programming, reading and playing games. I have worked in many fields I have been a bus cleaner for Katherine Coaches, a Trainee for a business to business IT company and I am currently a cook at KFC.


You cant make an omelette without cracking a few eggs. Over my years learning in both an academic and work setting I have a habit of trying to apply the things I have learnt into projects of my own. Further improving my understanding of the topic.



Over my years of studying, I have had a few different interesting side jobs from cleaning buses in tropical heat. To managing domains for Medical Centers and LawFirms. I have learned many lessons from working in these environments as well a few stories to go with it.

My Journey

There have been many paths I have taken to be where I am today. From the red sands of the outback to the beaches on the goldcoast,

me in the outback
picture sketch


In my time off I have many hobbies I like to indulge in. These range from creative activities such as art and reading to much more calculative activities like programming and strategy games. In here I will be going through all the activities I like to do and enjoy in my off time. Read more